Monday, November 21, 2022

Does Your Dog Really Need Clothing?


Some dog owners say that dogs don't need to wear clothing, that since they were born with a fur coat why mess with Mother Nature, so to speak? Other dog owners say that their dogs need to wear clothes, since they shiver in the cold weather just like us so why not stick a sweater on them to keep them warm? And then there are those dog owners who like to dress their dog up in the latest fashions, just like a human child or a fashion doll. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Best Homemade Mayo Recipe, Revised and Improved!


If you have chickens and/or ducks, like we do, you are likely on the lookout for creative ways to use all of those wonderful farm fresh eggs. I recently heard that the 100 pleats in a chef's hat originally came about because of the 100 ways there are to cook eggs. I don't know about that but here is one of our favorite ways to use our delicious farm fresh eggs! 

Friday, November 11, 2022

The Cutest Mushroom Hunter


A couple of years ago we must've had the perfect mushroom growing weather because I found some of the coolest looking mushrooms that I had ever seen on our property. I just completely geeked-out and started snapping pictures every time I saw one.  Every day, I would run out with my camera to go hunting for a new one, and I had a surprising buddy on these daily hunts! 

See if you can spot a clue in one of the pictures! I will post his full picture after the jump! 


Monday, November 7, 2022

Does my pet really need a bed or blanket?


Dogs and cats (as well as most pets for that matter) can benefit greatly from having their own bed or blanket, and so can you! Here’s how: 

Friday, November 4, 2022

How does catnip effect cats?


Since catnip is actually a relative of the marijuana plant (in a far-off manner) the effect can be loosely compared to the high of marijuana. The purpose of giving your cat catnip is for the cat’s entertainment and enjoyment of the natural high. Catnip is an herb belonging to the Labiatae family and contains nepetalactone, which is the active chemical in catnip responsible for your cat’s funny behavior. It is closely related to an active ingredient in female cat urine (which is why we must keep our cat Lilly far away from catnip. She will “mark” whenever she smells it. This seems to be a very rare behavior, though.) 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Funny Chicken Video

This has got to be one of the funniest chicken videos I have ever seen. I hope it makes your day brighter!